Monday, April 4, 2011

Ouch... need a bandaid?

When I was little I LOVED bandaids!  I would look for the tiniest scratch just to ask for a bandaid.  Sometimes I would just ask for one to play with and stick it in different spots.  I would play doctor and be terribly hurt... with that bandaid. 

So, inevitably, when I found this AdOrAbLe bandaid tin I went bananas.  And to make the experience that much more enjoyable... they were half off!  I bought all they had, which was only 2 but it sure did make me happy.  *huge smile*

Aren't they cute?!

Now that I am all grown up...

I would never be caught...

Playing with bandaids...

That would be so, ahhh, uncool...

And sooooooo childish

Awwwww, my bandaid lost its stickiness :(

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!



Tanya said...

Perfectly timed post. My littlest one has been wearing a bandaid for two days now and he absolutely panicked when it fell off, even though his boo boo is pretty much invisible. Love the tins you found!

Dorothy said...

Those really are the cutest bandaids! Nice tin too!

Tina said...

You are soo silly!
You make me smile the way you can find Christmas ANYTHINGS....even band-aids...tehee

Only how many more days??? =}

Lily said...

I'm so glad you liked it, it was only a little something. Please don't worry about sending anything back, I wouldn't want to trouble you :)
Hope all is good with you all,
