Thursday, February 3, 2011

Christmas Barn Pictures

Barns are so nostalgic to me.  When I see them I can't help but vision hard working families, animals, and strength.  They are beautiful at any season but at Christmas... my heart swoons.




( Kayne

The simple dusting of snow and a wreath make these barns timeless.  I love them so!  I often dream of remodeling an old barn into a home.  Could you imagine?!  *sigh* 
Merry Christmas blessings to you!



Jill said...

These are beautiful! I like the history of them too.


Dorothy said...

They're beautiful! My mom & dad lived in a house at one time that had a huge barn in the back. She just loved it! It was so big inside you could have lived in it. Remodeling one into a home would be lovely!

♥ Lila ♥ said...

Hi my friend,
So beautiful!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

These are just gorgeous pics!! I really love the red barns!!


Tina said...

Yes ....these are lovely...they really would suit you... and your hubby.... 8-)

karanmi said...

Love the barns. I remember as a child how much I loved going to my Grandparents and playing in the barn

And Grandma always had a huge wreath on it every year for the Christmas Season.

Last time I drove by the old place the barn was gone and a new house built in it's place.

Kristy said...

Beautiful! I was looking for Christmas barns and found this site-plus the music-very nice-thanks:-)))

Scarlett said...

I agree, there's something magical about the look of snow-covered barns at Christmas.