Thursday, September 23, 2010

Very good vanilla sugar!

I made a new button for my blog!

I wanted to let you all know that I made the vanilla sugar on the same day I posted about it and left it closed for a bit.  Yesterday I opened it and it smelled fantastic!  I made some oatmeal and sprinkled 2 spoonful's on top and mixed it up... it was sooo yummy!  I could taste the vanilla in my oatmeal, mmm.  Vanilla sugar is definitely something I will be making as a gift at Christmas time, mmm mmmm.


Natasha in Oz said...

I have just finished my part-time teaching contract and also (yesterday!) returned from a week's holiday at the beach and am getting back into blogging and visiting again-sorry I haven't been by for a while. I love this idea and when the kids go back to school next week I will definitely try this.

Blessings and best wishes,

Natasha in Oz said...

Me again! I have added your button to my Christmas blog. It's lovely!

Happy day,